The homily this past week at church focussed on the “need to be ready” The Gospel reading, the one about the Foolish Bridesmaids (Matthew 25 1-13), has always been one of those readings that made me question the validity of the readings in application to today’s life. The homilist spoke on what it meant to him. It was moving and contained an important message. Do we often plan to do something and then procrastinate or put it off or do not fully plan ahead to make sure things happen? How often do we discover it is too late and what we kept repeating that we “SHOULD DO” becomes “WE DIDN’T GET A CHANCE”? He spoke of a friend that he kept wanting to visit. He postponed the meeting because it was not a good time or something else more pressing came up. He got word one day that his friend had been murdered in a street attack and that it tragically closed the door on an opportunity to reach out to someone for which he cared. It was a missed opportunity and something that still bothers him today with haunting regret. What “should” you do today? Visit that lonely or sick person who you know would love company? Mend a broken relationship that once was special and ended for reasons that probably are not fully remembered? Simply telling someone that you love them because you don’t let them know often enough? Do “that thing” you have always wanted to do but didn’t because it seemed foolish or unattainable. Life is unpredictable. It can be all too short. Just do it! The rewards will be worth it. You will brighten your own life and lift the lives of those around you. We never know what will happen tomorrow. There are really only TWO important times in our life and the prayer, “The Hail Mary” gives us a clue. The 2 times are “NOW” and “AT THE HOUR OF OUR DEATH” Embrace your moments now. Don’t put life and relationships on hold.
Jim Dunn
Blessèd Blending
November 13, 2017